Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Water Power | China's 3 Gorges Dam releases sheer power to save lives

At 70,000 cubic meters per second water gushes out to prevent flooding on China's Yangtze River



Jong said...

What a sight, frightening!
So after all the effort to build this notorious Three Gorges Dam, the end result isn't that effective huh?

Imagine the number of lives affected by this project, displacing more than 5 million of its local population, the devastating impact on their lives and livelihood. Also the centuries old heritage homes and temples have unnecessarily been submerged!

Salak said...

Yes. Change comes with pain. One can never tell nature's way.

But there's a bigger outfit in S.America - the Itaipu Dam, involves 2 countries and some quarrels, too!

But I still like the Bengawan Solo water project. Buggers changed the river's natural course from southwards to northwards! :-))

And it comes with a song, too! ;-))

Jong said...

Yeah pain it is! The dam was built supposedly to protect flood prone areas but it has not worked, has it?

Aljazeera news just reported flooding has claimed over 700 lives and near to 6000 homes have collapsed. An 'Act of God' or man-made disaster?

Salak said...

That could affect 20,000 lives or more. There'll be lots of human stories as well.

Hard to say what it's really like. If only they open news to the world - we'll learn so much more.

China is a big country and nothing happens there in small doses.

Wise words from the Master -

[" ...By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is the most bitter. ..." - Confucius ]

Anonymous said...

China is a huge country and throughout history it has had its share of wars, clamaties n political upheavel. The Chinese collectively, have made huge sacrificces towards mega projects which remain structural icons today. Currently, I will reserve my judgement on whether it has more pluses or was meant to also tame the Hwang Ho river aka China's sorrow. Only time will time whether it was man's foolish dream to push nature's bundaries.

Salak said...

Time always tells, Anonymouse!

And if we just try a little and be a bit noble, we might just be able to avoid some bad bitter taste in the mouth like the damned Bakun disaster!

Time to cook up some 'hot sambal' ! :-))

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