Saturday, December 26, 2009

Stressed, stressing, surviving but no bombs, please!

Illustration: llustration by Matt Herring | Image:

How to end a year, ahh?

It could be the same as how to begin a new one.

So we were thrown out of Heaven, and we said goodbye to the virgins and then we decided to rough it out. And up till now, we still can go to bed and wake up in the morning, all of the past 51 weeks. Well, there could have been a couple of bad hangovers of whatever causes.

Perhaps, someone else could put it better in some 3,000 words, some of which are:

"... [......]Adam is about to throw himself off a cliff in despair, when he glimpses redemption. First Eve draws near to tell him that she is to have a child. Then God comes and gently tells Adam that he is wrong to try to reckon his accomplishments on a cosmic scale.

“For if you saw your transient, earthly life set in dimensions of eternity, there wouldn’t be any virtue in endurance. Or if you saw your spirit drench the dust, where could you find incentive for your efforts?”

All God asks of man is to strive for progress, nothing more.

“It is human virtues I want,” He says, “human greatness.”

......people [...](could) reject the false choice between Utopia and degeneracy. Moral progress, [...] is neither guaranteed nor is it hopeless. Instead, it is up to us. ..." - The Economist Newspaper

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Selamat Hari Natal - to all our airmen

Selamat Hari Natal and a healthy new year ... to all our Airmen.

Please fry safely!

"All your bases are belong to us"!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Lost jet engines and PR Registration

We, the Malaysian public, just discovered we lost a [two?] jet engine [s] on an F 5E TII fighter plane in late 2007 and PM Najib said it was not a cover-up, after some 24 months. And it was on his immediate watch as the Defence Minister of Malaysia.

Then on December 20, 2009, Hadi Awang of PAS had stated,

"We are not in a hurry to register Pakatan (Rakyat). Pakatan does not necessarily have to become a single party. What is important is for us to bring out what we have in common, and to put off things which we do not agree on.”

Earlier we were told that Pakatan Rakyat had submitted its registration on November 3, 2009. Then, Zaid Ibrahim had stated,

"The people will see that this group is no different from Umno and Barisan Nasional leaders."

This is all confusing, so the de factor leader of PKR and possible leader of Pakatan Rakyat, Anwar Ibrahim chipped in today December 21, 2009,

“So I think there’s no problem with that, because as far as we are concerned, we are committed to register.”

Well, maybe there will be or there will not be any registration because Anwar Ibrahim explains,

“What Hadi has said is that because whenever we try to hasten it (the registering process) the RoS will slow it down.”

Meanwhile, in Kuching Sarawak, life is not sweet. There is no white granulated sugar. The shop we frequented has come up with a noble solution - he's selling brown sugar!

And he readily offered plenty of sweets!