How to end a year, ahh?
It could be the same as how to begin a new one.
So we were thrown out of Heaven, and we said goodbye to the virgins and then we decided to rough it out. And up till now, we still can go to bed and wake up in the morning, all of the past 51 weeks. Well, there could have been a couple of bad hangovers of whatever causes.
Perhaps, someone else could put it better in some 3,000 words, some of which are:
"... [......]Adam is about to throw himself off a cliff in despair, when he glimpses redemption. First Eve draws near to tell him that she is to have a child. Then God comes and gently tells Adam that he is wrong to try to reckon his accomplishments on a cosmic scale.
“For if you saw your transient, earthly life set in dimensions of eternity, there wouldn’t be any virtue in endurance. Or if you saw your spirit drench the dust, where could you find incentive for your efforts?”
All God asks of man is to strive for progress, nothing more.
“It is human virtues I want,” He says, “human greatness.”
......people [...](could) reject the false choice between Utopia and degeneracy. Moral progress, [...] is neither guaranteed nor is it hopeless. Instead, it is up to us. ..." - The Economist Newspaper