Wednesday, August 11, 2010

HUNGER | Illiteracy, poverty and faith


Jong said...

"Hunger, illiteracy, poverty & faith"

- What do we take care of first? Next question is why are Muslim countries mostly poor? ...because they spend too much time in faith they had been drummed into and too little educating themselves in economics to put food on the table to stay alive.


Anonymous said...

take care of quality education n the rest will fall in of lst things lst. habis cerita!

Salak said...

One thing about this picture is, the chap in full black could well be a migrant worker and not a Malaysian.

Regardless, he's made a very strong blunt statement that we should think in twice the time to digest. He's not only hungry for truth but lots more! Like a decent education and some decent employment.

It is now the fasting month.

Jong said...

Yeah, GOD/Allah will only help those who help themselves - same goes for those sitting there, day in day out drumming religious discourse/sermons and do nothing - cakap tak serupa bikin! Has anyone thought of that?

Look at that Harusana-sini guy, he carries expensive phones which I can't afford, drives a Mercedes which I can't either and he sits on his fat arse playing political agent and he tells you people what to do - yah, pray pray pray and have faith in the gomen!

Salak said...

You mean that Perak Mufti? Harussani Zakaria?

He's still the Mufti, ensorsed and sanctioned by the State of Perak. Doubt God/Allah has anything to do with this. His good name is even denied in the State. So said the Laws! not His Laws!

As the hedonist capitalists would say, you can't do without competition! ;-)

Salak said...

According to IMF compiled figures, 2008, the OIC (Islamic Countries) exported as much as the EU but the EU's GDP is more than 1.5 times that of the OIC. So generally the EU is using more of its people than the OIC. Main reason being clearly poverty handicaps people from working, producing and buying.

So what the heck can Muslims do? Are they free to postulate their full potential? As God/Allah would surely like? Or is someone saying no to that?

GDP/PPP $ 7,7(Tril)
Exports $ 1,39(Tril)

GDP/PPP $12,1(Tril)
Exports $ 1,31(Tril)

# Wiki