This too, could happen to water other than just settling to its lowest or any level.
Our Constitution is a sacred document. If you flout the constitution you could be charged for treason. But treason is not the constitution. Treason and treachery are deepseated emotions and we all have emotions. So does our CJ and he so confessed:
"In fact I had very strong feelings about certain provisions (in the Constitution), (I) bought the first radio in the village from my own savings, waited for and heard the shout of "Merdeka" on Aug 31 1957, the Constitution is a very special document to me. It is not just a legal document. There is a lot of emotion attached to it."
Don't leave me out! I have emotions, too, please! ;)
Are we back to Freud or to Fraud? Correct me, if I levitate too much but Freud says something to the effect that a "man (or woman)" is nothing without "its" libido! There are world languages that don't use he or she for a human being, so let's use "it" for "she/he".
Unlike the CJ, I couldn't pay for my radio, when young. I had the fortune of befriending a cook who was terrific with his other skills. He was a cook for some Mat Salleh boss. The guy made a radio from some wires and some magnet and a one-piece headphone. If amongst the crackling noises, it was the the dear departed Tunku and his Independence piece, we couldn't understand it or had knowledge of it. Sure, in the kampung there were few people who talked about independence being able to manufacture nails. Strangely, it was never about making waves with radios!
So underprevileged were we, not to have been that enjoined with emotional attachments of Merdeka as the reverend CJ. Then I couldn't care less, what Merdeka meant. You could say then I was a communist. If that meant "communism", so I was a communist. Well, so it was part of my libido.
But many Malaysians are now livid with dissent on what Malaysia is. If according to our esteemed dignataries such as our CJ it meant, being "independent" and manufacturing nails, why be independent and make nails, when we can buy them cheaper than we can make them? Ya, lah! We could drown all those nail producers with our Bintulu crude and whack the hell out of them to make us better nails. And probably more polished, too! But why need nails when there are 2-ton glues?
Lest I be glued to nails, let me say this. I was levitated when Pak Lah says that the essence of Islam is "hadhari" or civilizing or civilizational. If however, there are rumours of the DPM's wife seen at the scene of a C4ed body, or something like that, then let me be a noble savage. If the CJ is a "Muslim" who is supposed to radiate hope and courage to humanity in this small country of many Muslims but gets so emoted by Merdeka, what hope is there for other livid "Muslim like" citizens?
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