Had dinner with old school friends last night at Topspot, Kuching.
It's great getting together with school friends. Dish choice was restrained for "old boys" but the steamed fish was good. Love steam fish anytime and everytime! Gettogethers like this are also uplifting, invigourating. Great fun!

Other than that it's always the present that send you contemplating. There was no "loose" change! Talk was about "big" stuff! This rigour should add to the swell for more, come September!
Incredible how ugly the media spin is. The things you heard from Kelantan in the MSM is pure dung! Interesting how Kelantan residents got back together after the election regardless of whatever. It seems the reason why BN cannot get back, more likely will never get the State back is because of their folksy fairness and virtuousnes.
Must make a trip there to the feel and witness!
The change on the political scene has given a great sense of anticipation amongst us, and doubtless many more out there in Sarawak. It's happening in our life time and we want to see it through, reminiscent of Brutus in Julius Caesar:
We at the height are ready to decline.
There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures. ..."
(Julius Caesar Act IV Scene III)
It's incredible what the State Civil Service has degraded into as heard over carrot juices, "kopi o" ice and Guiness Stout! Taib Mahmud was depicted like a slob directing public officials to his in-laws; this is governance in Malaysia Boleh! The present Sarawak Civil Service is in the hands of punks who glibly bullshit in serious meetings. We are really at the " 'height' ready to decline"!
There was no mistake in the discerning fervence. And it colors the hope and the reawakening!
Salak, you have an interesting blog. I will be coming in from time to time to reciprocate. Keep writing and advancing ideas and suggestions for the benefit of our country and people. Cheers Din Merican
Hi Din,
Thanks for popping by!
The place is, errr, somewhat unkempt!
I'll get there! Won't we all? :)
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