Monday, June 2, 2008

Under the skin

It's Gawai Dayak Holidays in Kuching, Sarawak. Many have hit the road and balik Kampong. And Kuching City streets are lag and 'lega'!

Had to see my Elder sister, suffering in pain from from her knee problems. My bike and I hit the road and reached her home some 20km away in a jiffy!

How do you convince a dear 67 year old sister to insert some metal plates under the skin and flesh of both her knees?

When I got to thinking about it myself, I balked at the thought of foreign materials under my own skin. I really don't mind foreign migrant workers in Kuching and getting a little under the skin. You can't deport the metal plates from your knees, but you can the migrant workers! So that got me on the right mood!

My sister's groans are really too much! But she's my DEAR old sister. But when she groaned that it's her "lot", I had it! It's God given, her destiny! But instead of giving it to her, I abruptly got up and went to the kitchen and made myself some real thick coffee and loaded it with lotsa sugar! I know the sugar's bad but the coffee's anti-oxidants, I mused, would whack off diabetic incursons of my being!

Facing her squarely in her face, I told her I agreed it's her lot! God gave it to her. But isn't it odd that terrible things like broken knees are God given? What about good knees with steel and strong fibre makeup? Who made these? Satan? Another God?

"No!!!" she growled.

I roared the bike off the Kampong 3 hours later and left her with a big battle in her mind. It might have been painful but what the heck? It's probably God given!

I'll give her another week or so. And wait for the good news! I just hope our 'world class' medical service will not botch another job. If they do we'll send some foreign material into the robust Minister of Health's heart!

What you could get - a brand new knee! At the cost of another arm and a leg?

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