Puan Rosmah Mansor, PM Najib's wife has been championing brainy children and identifying with them for the last so many months since hubby became Malaysia's bossman. Most, if not all, of these brainy kids should find themselves somewhere in the system eventually without direct help, although life has many twists and turns. In our case, most things are screwed up, anyway. So how will anybody get anywhere with all those fools rushing in?
But what about those under the perpetual unkind grind of the system? Like those Penan school girls?
Three Sarawak women sort of, rolled themselves out of a carpet, at a Grand Dinner that Rosmah had recently graced in Kuching. Looks like her handlers have gotten too complacent and that Sarawak should be under her sweeping spell, too!
Hornbill Unleashed got a scoop of the episode.
Well, these 3 irrepressible Sarawak women got Rosmah's attention! Hopefully, Rosmah didn't get a stomache upset. Maybe she won't. Would it take more than that to shed off tons from her prosperity appearance? Penan children could survive years on a kilo off her!
Just wondering, if Rosmah is really brainy and got the better of the gracious BN Sarawak ladies! ;-)
I thought author Pak Bui can't count, you are no different Salak! Why do I see 4 women and you guys kept mentioning "3 women"? LOL!!!
You got Pak Bui's answer - http://hornbillunleashed.wordpress.com/2010/03/01/5936/#comment-4256 .
The lady in the Tudung could have been a UTK !
HahaHHa! Thanks, nice pulling your legs!
Let's wait for Roastporkymah to respond, time she gets down to contributing serious work and serious $$$$ for the hungry natives and development in the interior of Sabah and Sarawak.
She is afterall paid fat bucks to to whisper into Jibby's ears, we'll see if she will demonstrate her caring motherly concern for the thousands of hungry Penan children and Penan rapes the world has come to know.
If Apco is grooming Najib, strange that they haven't skin off those kilos off her!
Najib has now become Flash Gordon in his 1Malaysia! Compliments from Apco. Well, all of the rakyat actually, forever losing under BN while Rosmah fattens herself!
Come on, be serious! U think FattyRoastyPorkyPudding-n-Pie can lose any recalcitrant lbs that cling to her the way her lust of $$$ do too?? LOL, she's an FUKGLY (combo of ugly n fucking) sight..Betul2
Sure! I could help!
All I have to do is shorten her intestines and everything will offload in half time! Maybe in much less time! :))
That's invonvenient, but maybe some creative and innovative Malaysians can devise a mobile potty for her to lug around! ;-)
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