The idea of the "3rd Force" must be causing some anxiety to some watchers of Malaysian politics. Some with concerns, some with hopes and some as something that's bound to happen with potential dynamics.
It was initially bandied about as the "3rd Force". The promoters have now declared it with a real form known as the MCLM (Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement). Had it been formed as the "3rd Force" in name, it would have meant a political party that subscribes to platforms under the ROS rules.
An interesting development todate from the MCLM is the appointment of 2 candidates to vie for constituencies in the forthcoming General Elections. These two identified candidates appear publicly to aid the Pakatan Rakyat efforts and party actions for the alternative in government to the 5 decades rule of the BN. Why so? Aren't they supposed to be neutral?
Well, it has happened and rather than be content with the horrible picture and prospects of the mad "kataking" previously Malaysians must sigh with relief. It's a progressive development where ridiculous situations can be avoided and the shallow political recriminations of some of both the BN and PR politicians could be preempted. In essence, it's a chance for greater space and to move on.
So "civil liberties" is the name of the game for MCLM. It's not the "3rd Force". It boils down to what fundamentally all voters should hold dear: their rights, freedom and liberties. There is not a small number of Malaysians who believe the government, meaning the present ruling BN, is supposed to have the absolute interests of Malaysian citizens at heart. Now there is another avenue, a real alternative, even to the PR, where voters can say after 5 decades of One-Party rule of the BN, they can face challenges with optimum participation to face the future not just as spectators that when neighboring or regional countries have moved well ahead, Malaysia have regressed considering the comparative national and natural resources. When weak institutions tell of misgovernance resulting in corruption Malaysians can feel they participate in government for better rural and urban infra-structures development to prod greater national development. All told, as it is now, the country is headed for terrible budget and national deficits not less than 55%. If that's Greek to you, you're forgiven. It's no comfort to know whether citizens or foreigners hold your lifeline, as things cannot be any rosier or constructively expansive.
The point of contention among some is that MCLM should be the "3rd Force" and BN sympathisers appear to be exasperated that it's not. However, the declared aims of the MCLM are about "civil liberties". Why can't citizens guard their rights without or outside of the party system? If the BN or PBB or UMNO people want to bitch about that MCLM is unproven or just party spoilers they have had 5 decades and it's hurting Malaysians.
How MCLM will fare depends on how they measure up, how stiff the competition it poses to established political parties. The stiffer it is the more relevant. But where objectives or public perception true to civil liberties lie, MCLM will be distinguishable from the party or the candidate.
As for how it might relate to Sarawak, a friend's opinion quoted might be indicative of related sentiments:
"...Sarawak must Change. There will still be many challenges but the Change will emplace Sarawakians in a better position to face them.
What choice is there but?
The belief in human progress in Malaysia still hogs old worn-out themes of keeping wealth for the few and heaping up more too. Then, against all sense of humility rent out the wealth to a still select few.
This choice stifles human progress and impoverishes latent immaterial human potential, the germ upon which all society must nurture.
Let us not make any mistake upon what the Hope in Change is all about.
That opportunity is here and now and soon to be decided in the forthcoming elections...."
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