Malaysian's Journalism most esteemed blogger, The Honorable Datuk Wong Chun Wai, of the Star, affirmed that the outcome of an election can be determined by blog posts.
That's good to know. There will be better debates if blogs can influence voters.
I am not unware that against my conscience and better interest, that the country's electorate for the last 50 or so years have been influenced by nothing else but the Stars and all the BN gomen sanctioned newspapers. The BN gomen have survived up to now to keep Wong Chun Wai and all the BN sanctioned people gainfully employed. Which is to say the BN gomen gives employment to "esteemed" journalists who suck up to them.
So what about bloggers and blog posts?
It appears that these may have to be curTAILED! Because they may have a fatal outcome to the tenure of the BN gomen.
It is very enlightening to note that despite the total grip of the sanctioned Newspapers to speak for the gomen, the GE 2008 did not fare that well for them.
What could possibly be the reasons? Blogs is a major one. Then there are coffee shops and warongs where people talk and exchange ideas. There is the possibility that these coffee shops and warongs may have to be curTAILED, too. But people talk at home and in bed, what then? They might have to be curtTAILED. What about people who use sanitized public toilets who talk? It seems they might have to be PENalised if not circumcised! There will need to be CCTVs in public toilets.
Despite all these measures, why have the voters not given 7/8 majority to the BN gomen? I hate to say this but the answer is obvious! Esteemed journalists like The Honorable Datuk Wong Chun Wai and many others are not doing their jobs for the BN gomen. If they had, why did this happened?
As law abiding citizens we are very concerned about this state of affairs. If people like Chun Wai did not do his job, we seek their expulsion from employment. Could we do that?
No, we don't have to. Just DON'T BUY the Star!!!
STOP Press
The forgoing link is broken. Yahoo is not kind to bloggers! Bernama gone bananas again---does not carry a report they themselves made!
The full story quoted below:
Bernama - Thursday, July 24
KUCHING, July 23 (Bernama) -- An article posted in Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching Chong Chieng Jen's blog from March this year could influence the minds of voters to feel anger against the Barisan Nasional (BN), the Election Court was told today.
Group chief editor of The Star newspaper Datuk Wong Chun Wai said the letter of "Mr Smith" posted in Chong's blog appeared as a reply to his article entitled "Hoe Leow, Boh Hoe Leow" published in The Star and on Star Online on Feb 29 this year, had no debate to his article.
Questioned by counsel Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, who represented petitioner Kho Whai Phiaw, Wong, 47, a regular columnist in The Sunday Star, under the column called "On The Beat" said the reply had put the BN in a bad light.
The article affected the voters for three reasons, namely the language was un-Christian, the material written was factually incorrect and was inflammatory as it touched on sensitive issues like religion, so it was bound to create a certain level of anger, Wong told the court.
He said the article would have some relevance during the election because, apart from being inflammatory, it would have a certain level of influence on the voting pattern.
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